Nov 13, 2011

Felt ipod case

When I first got my ipod two years ago I wanted a case, but I was living in a community where I didn't have access to ipod accessory stores.  So I made one instead!  It has served me well over the years, but the felt is getting fuzzy and a bit ugly.  Time to make a new one.  My first design had a strap that came over the top to hold the ipod in the case, with a snap, but I never closed it.  Once the headphone cords were wrapped around the case, it didn't go anywhere.  This second redesign no longer has the strap.  I found a cool black felt with glitter (who doesn't like glitter?) and used a charcoal felt for the inside.  Felt is so fun to sew with since you don't have to worry about unsightly edges.  Here they are, old and new:

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