Feb 26, 2011

Lady Marmalade

I'm a big fan of going out for breakfast.  Most of the time I order a simple two egg breakfast, since I'm a simple pleasures kind of gal.  Going out for breakfast is a great way to catch up with friends before the day gets busy and its especially great because it is so inexpensive.  I recently moved to Victoria, BC and have slowly been checking out the various breakfast places in town.  A couple weekends ago I went to Lady Marmalade with a friend.

I had heard mixed things about L.M. - good food, poor service and I decided to check it out myself.  In Victoria going out for breakfast can mean long lineups, which really sucks when you're hungry.  My friend and I are morning folk, and we arrived early enough (8:45 AM) that we had lots of choice for seating.  This is what it looks like inside - a bit eclectic, but in a homey (homy?) way.
I ordered (of course) the two eggs breakfast and my friend ordered the huevos rancheros.  I had been excited to see breakfast poutine, but then had those hopes dashed when the server told me no poutine on weekends. Here is my breakfast:
The presentation is super.  Overall I'd say that the ingredients were great: real butter, crunchy bread, real eggs (look at that yellow), good temperature, and decent portions.  The potatoes were a bit grrrrr, by which I mean tough.  The salad was a nice touch but the pieces could have been a bit smaller and therefore easier to manage.  Here is my friends breakfast:
He was a bit more disappointed.  His comments included the following: the beans tasted like they'd just been dumped out of a can with no flavouring added, the tortillas were sitting in the salsa and getting soggy, and overall it just wasn't easy to eat, unlike other huevos rancheros he'd had in the past.  Again though, great ingredients.

We both agreed that while L.M. was decent, neither of us would make it a favourite for breakfasts.

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