Sep 3, 2011

A beautiful day

It is so beautiful out - cool enough that you can comfortably wear jeans, but sunny and warm.  Here is my found shelf, all painted up and sitting in my living room.  I thought about finding some means of hanging it, but that just involved too much work and tools I don't own.

I like it - I think it looks a bit elegant with the off-white grey 'colour'.

Here is a little quilt I made with scraps, and sewn entirely by hand.  It is small - maybe 6 x 7".  A fun project to work on while I watched movies or listened to tunes.  Even the batting is from scraps, I was able to piece it together into a workable patch.

The finished quilt:

Oh, and another project I made a few months ago:

Again, this is made entirely by hand.  Cross-stitched 'brown bowl' with fabric surround and driftwood hanger.  I made it for a friend who is a potter...I guess there is something special about brown bowls (despite having done pottery, I don't entirely understand the reference).